Synopsis Crimson Peak 2015

Crimson Peak is a film that tells the story of a woman named Edith Cushing ( Mia Wasikowska ) his heart stolen by a stranger who teased Sim Thomas Sharpe ( Tom Hiddelstone ) . Edith swept up to the house on top of a mountain with a blood-red color , a place filled with secrets that will make it haunted forever . Between desire and darkness , mystery and madness that is located on the truth behind the Crimson Peak

Crimson Peak is a 2015 gothic romance film directed by Guillermo del Toro and written by del Toro and Matthew Robbins. The film stars Mia Wasikowska, Tom Hiddleston, Jessica Chastain, Charlie Hunnam, and Jim Beaver. Produced by Legendary Pictures and distributed by Universal Pictures, the film was released on October 16, 2015

Review Plot Crimson Peak

Around the turn of the 20th century, Edith Cushing, the young daughter of Carter Cushing, a wealthy businessman, is visited by her mother's black, disfigured ghost. The spirit warns Edith: "Beware of Crimson Peak."

Fourteen years later, Edith is now a budding author who prefers penning ghost stories to writing the romance novels that her editor wants. She meets Sir Thomas Sharpe, an English aristocrat seeking investors, including Edith's father, for his clay mining invention. Disdaining privileged aristocracy and unimpressed with Sharpe's prototype and previous failures to raise capital, Cushing rejects Sir Thomas' proposal. Edith notices that Sir Thomas and his sister, Lucille, wear expensive but outdated and somewhat-worn fashions. Shortly after, Edith once again is visited by her mother's spirit bearing the same warning.

Mr. Cushing and Edith's childhood friend, Dr. Alan McMichael, disapprove when Edith and Sir Thomas become romantically attached. Mr. Cushing hires a private detective who uncovers Sir Thomas' marriage and other unsavory facts about him and his sister. Mr. Cushing confronts the Sharpe siblings and bribes them into leaving Buffalo, NY. As Cushing instructed him, Sir Thomas cruelly breaks off his and Edith's relationship, but the next morning, sends her a note explaining his actions. Soon after, Mr. Cushing is brutally murdered, though his death is ruled accidental. Edith and Sir Thomas then marry and return to England. They arrive at Allerdale Hall, the Sharpes' dilapidated mansion. Despite Edith's efforts, Lucille acts cold and distant toward her.

Edith soon sees gruesome ghosts, including her mother, who again warns: "Beware of Crimson Peak". To help calm her, Sir Thomas takes her into town. When they are snowed in overnight, they passionately consummate their marriage. Lucille angrily lashes out when they return the next morning, frightening Edith. By the time Sir Thomas mentions that the estate is sometimes referred to as "Crimson Peak", due to the red clay seeping up through the snow, Edith is growing increasingly weaker and coughing up blood.

Edith explores the mansion and begins piecing clues together revealing that Sir Thomas previously married three wealthy women, all of whom were poisoned for their inheritances. She also discovers that the siblings have had a long-term incestuous relationship, resulting in a sickly infant that died. Lucille murdered their mother after she discovered her children's involvement. Left to their cursed manor, the siblings began the "marriage and murder" scheme to fund Sir Thomas' inventions.

After talking to the private detective that Mr. Cushing hired, Dr. McMichael arrives at Allerdale Hall to rescue Edith. Lucille stabs him, then demands that Sir Thomas finish him off. Sir Thomas, who has fallen in love with Edith and does not want to harm her, inflicts a second, non-fatal stab wound to McMichael. He then hides McMichael in the cellar, saying he will protect Edith so that she and McMichael can escape. Lucille, jealous over Sir Thomas loving Edith and wanting to leave Allerdale Hall, murders him in a fit of rage; she then pursues Edith. With help from Sir Thomas' ghost, Edith kills Lucille. Sir Thomas' ghost bids Edith a silent farewell as his spirit departs. Edith escapes with McMichael, and Lucille's ghost now haunts Allerdale.

  • Mia Wasikowska as Edith Cushing
  • Jessica Chastain as Lady Lucille Sharpe, Sir Thomas's sister
  • Tom Hiddleston as Sir Thomas Sharpe, Bt., Edith's husband
  • Charlie Hunnam as Dr. Alan McMichael
  • Jim Beaver as Carter Cushing, Edith's father
  • Burn Gorman as Holly
  • Leslie Hope as Mrs. McMichael, Alan's mother
  • Doug Jones as Edith's Mother & Lady Sharpe
  • Jonathan Hyde as Ogilvie
  • Bruce Gray as Ferguson
  • Emily Coutts as Eunice McMichael
  • Javier Botet as Ghost (Pamela/Enola/Margaret)
  • Sofia Wells as young Edith
  • William Healy as young Alan
  • Matia Jackett as young Eunice



Sinopsis Film Crimson Peak 2015

Film barat berjudul “Crimson Peak” ini merupakan film yang bercerita tentang seorang wanita bernama Edith Cushing ( Mia Wasikowska ) hatinya dicuri oleh orang asing yang menggoda Sim Thomas Sharpe ( Tom Hiddelstone ). Edith tersapu hingga ke rumah di atas sebuah gunung dengan warna merah darah, tempat yang berisi dengan rahasia yang akan membuatnya terhantui selamanya. Di antara keinginan dan kegelapan, misteri dan kegilaan yang terletak pada kebenaran di balik Crimson Peak.

Review Film Crimson Peak 2015

Crimson Peak dibuka dengan kisah Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska) kecil, putri semata wayang pengusaha real estate sukses Carter Cushing (Jim Beaver) yang kedatangan arwah mengerikan ibunya tidak lama setelah kematiannya dan membisikan sebuah peringatan;“Beware of Crimson Peak.”, Peringatan misterius yang baru disadarinya ketika ia beranjak dewasa dan ketika semuanya sudah terlambat.

Dibandingkan horor-horor buatan del Toro lain, narasi yang ditawarkan Crimson Peak mungkin tidak teralu kuat meski sebenarnya juga tidak bisa dikatakan buruk. Kisah hantunya seperti hanya menjadi makanan pendamping buat romance-psikologisnya, twist-nya sedikit banyak sudah tercium dari jauh, dan untuk ukuran horor ia juga tidak sampai terlalu menakutkan memang dengan kemunculan hantu-hantu yang di dominasi CGI itu meski faktanya aura horor masih terpancar kental di sepanjang 119 menit durasinya. Kudos buat penyutradaraan apik del Toro temasuk di dalamnya desain produksinya yang luar biasa cantik. Dari set, kostum sampai make-up semua berhasil dimaksimalkan dalam sentuhan gotik modern megah ala del Toro bersama visual indah DoP Dan Laustsen yang didominasi warna kuning keemasan di paruh pertama, sementara nuansa dingin dengan permainan warna kontras merah darah dan putih salju menguasai paruh keduanya yang sedikit banyak mengingatkan pada apa yang pernah disajikan Tarantino dalam ending Kill Bill vol.1. Singkatnya, secara teknis sinematik del Toro sudah menjadikan Crimson Peak sebagai gelaran horor paling cantik tahun ini atau malah bisa jadi salah satu horor paling cantik sepanjang masa.

Jajaran cast-nya di dominasi nama-nama kelas AAA dari Mia Wasikowska yang memainkan Edith Cushing, tidak teralu istimewa dan jelas bukan penampilan terbaik aktris asal Australia ini tetapi bisa dibilang cukup mewakili karakter polos Edith. Sementara Tom Hiddleston didapuk menjadi Sir Thomas Sharpe, pengusaha muda yang juga love interst Edith pun sebenarnya sama saja, namun sisi misterius dari naskahnya sedikit banyak memberi sentuhan menarik buat karakternya. Bisa dibilang adalah Jessica Chastain sebagai Lady Lucille Sharpe yang kemudian menjadi kejutan menyenangkan. Tidak setiap hari kamu bisa melihat Chastain mengisi slot antagonis, dan harus diakui ia berhasil melakukannya dengan sangat baik. Ada kengerian dan kegetiran dalam karakter Lucille yang sejak awal sudah memberikan tatapan tidak nyaman, meski pada akhirnya motifnya dengan mudah diketahui, namun apa yang dilakukan Chastain dengan karakter Lucille Sharpe membuktikan bahwa Chastain bisa menjadi siapa saja.

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