Jupiter Ascending is a 2015 American–Australian space opera film written, produced, and directed by Lana and Andy Wachowski. Starring Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum, Sean Bean and Eddie Redmayne, the film is centered on Jupiter Jones (Kunis), an ordinary cleaning woman, and Caine Wise (Tatum), an interplanetary warrior who informs Jones that her destiny extends beyond Earth. Supporting cast member Douglas Booth has described the film's fictional universe as a cross between The Matrixand Star Wars,while Kunis named indulgence and consumerism as its underlying themes.

The film was co-produced by Grant Hill, who acted as executive producer on The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions and as producer on V for Vendetta, Speed Racer, Ninja Assassin and Cloud Atlas, making Jupiter Ascending his seventh collaboration with the Wachowskis. Several more longstanding Wachowski collaborators since the creation of The Matrix films have contributed to the picture, including production designer Hugh Bateup, visual effects supervisor Dan Glass, visual effects designer John Gaeta, supervising sound editor Dane Davis and costume designer Kym Barrett. Other notable past collaborators include Speed Racer's composer Michael Giacchino, Cloud Atlas' director of photography John Toll along with its editor Alexander Berner and hair and make-up designer Jeremy Woodhead, who worked on both.

Although critics praised the visuals, world-building, Michael Giacchino's musical score, and originality, the general attitude toward the film was negative, with most criticism focused on incoherence in the screenplay and an over-reliance on special effects.Despite this, the film has found a more positive response, particularly among a niche of female science fiction fans who appreciate the film's campiness, and that the film deviates from typical gender norms in a genre that is traditionally male-centric.




Jupiter Ascending adalah ruang opera Film 2015 Amerika-Australia ditulis, diproduksi, dan disutradarai oleh Lana dan Andy Wachowski. Dibintangi Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum, Sean Bean dan Eddie Redmayne, film ini berpusat pada Jupiter Jones (Kunis), seorang wanita pembersih biasa, dan Caine Wise (Tatum), seorang prajurit antarplanet yang menginformasikan Jones yang takdirnya meluas di luar Bumi. Mendukung anggota cor Douglas Booth telah dijelaskan semesta fiksi film sebagai persilangan antara The Matrixand Star Wars, sementara Kunis bernama mengumbar dan konsumerisme sebagai tema yang mendasarinya.

Film ini co-diproduksi oleh Grant Hill, yang bertindak sebagai produser eksekutif di The Matrix Reloaded dan The Matrix Revolutions dan sebagai produser di V for Vendetta, Speed ​​Racer, Ninja Assassin dan Cloud Atlas, membuat Jupiter Ascending kolaborasi ketujuh dengan Wachowskis. Beberapa lebih kolaborator lama Wachowski sejak penciptaan Film-film Matrix telah memberikan kontribusi untuk gambar, termasuk desainer produksi Hugh Bateup, efek visual pengawas Dan Kaca, efek visual desainer John Gaeta, mengawasi editor suara Dane Davis dan desainer kostum Kym Barrett. Kolaborator masa lalu penting lainnya termasuk Speed ​​Racer komposer Michael Giacchino, direktur Cloud Atlas 'fotografi John Toll bersama dengan editor Alexander Berner dan rambut dan make-up desainer Jeremy Woodhead, yang bekerja pada kedua.

Meskipun kritikus memuji visual, pembangunan dunia, skor musik Michael Giacchino ini, dan orisinalitas, sikap umum terhadap film itu negatif, dengan sebagian besar kritik terfokus pada inkoherensi dalam naskah dan ketergantungan yang berlebihan pada effects.Despite khusus ini, film telah menemukan respon yang lebih positif, khususnya di kalangan ceruk penggemar fiksi ilmiah perempuan yang menghargai campiness film, dan bahwa film menyimpang dari norma-norma gender yang khas dalam genre yang secara tradisional sentris laki-laki.

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